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Create API key

API keys are required as an authentication method for Doxify's API Metrics. By using an API key you authenticate access to the specific API. Without authentication access to the API is denied.

You can generate and manage API keys from within the Doxify Dashboard's settings page. By clicking on “Create new API key” you can enter a name and the system will generate a unique for your user key for API authentication. Multiple keys can be generated. Old API keys, that you no longer want to use, can be deleted from the same location.

Use API key

API keys are required for the authentication of the calling program to the API. All Doxify keys use the same base URL " https://api.doxify.ai ". They can be used in test environments such as: Development, QA, and main Production environments.

We do not recommend using the same API key for more than one environment. We do recommend using a single key for one specific environment - Testing, Production, etc.

The API key is sensitive private information that we strongly advise to have and keep restricted access to it.

Content-Type: application/json

X-API-Key: my-api-key

To authenticate your requests to our API, you need to include your API Key in the headers of your HTTP requests