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Our integrations feature offers you the flexibility to incorporate custom CSS and JavaScript directly into your projects, enhancing their functionality and appearance.

With the ability to add custom CSS styles and JavaScript code within the head and body tags of your dashboard, you gain precise control over their behavior and presentation. Customize the look and feel of your documentation with tailored styles, and functionalities.

Add an integration

To incorporate an integration, simply navigate to the Settings menu located in the upper right corner and select "Project Settings". From there, proceed to the "Integrations" tab. You can then add your desired integration within the designated "Head" or "Body" tag box.

Custom CSS

Tailor the visual aspects of your projects to align perfectly with your brand identity and user experience goals. Modify colors, fonts, and layouts to create a polished and cohesive design that resonates with your audience.

Custom JavaScript

Extend the functionality of your applications to meet specific requirements and integrate seamlessly with external services. Implement dynamic interactions, data manipulation, and API integrations to enrich the user experience and streamline workflows.