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Roles and Teams

This article will help you understand how to effectively manage Roles and Team menus in Doxify, ensuring you can control access and permissions for your team members with ease.


Roles in Doxify allow you to define specific permissions for your team members, giving you complete flexibility to decide what each member can see and do. Unlike predefined roles, Doxify's customizable roles offer the freedom to configure permissions according to your needs.

Steps to Create a Role:

Navigate to the Roles Menu: In your Doxify dashboard, click on your username in the upper right corner to open the dropdown menu, then select the "Roles management" option.

  1. Create a New Role: Click on the "Create New Role" button.

  2. Define Permissions: Assign permissions for each menu you have created. You can specify access permissions for different versions   and modules. This ensures granular control over who can access settings like customization, SDK generator, API metrics, and project settings.

Examples of Role Customization

  • Designers: Create a role that grants access only to the customization menu. This allows designers to brand your documentation without accessing other settings.
  • Developers: Assign a role that gives access to all API-related menus while restricting access to other areas. This ensures developers can work on APIs without interfering with other project settings.
You need to create at least one Role before you can invite your teammates!


Once you have created at least one role, you can easily add team members to your project. The Team management menu allows you to invite people and assign roles to them, ensuring they have the right permissions from the start.

Steps to Add Team Members:

  • Navigate to the Team Management Menu: In your Doxify dashboard, click on your username in the upper right corner to open the dropdown menu, then select the "Team management" option.

  • Add a New Member: Click on the "Invite Team Member" button.

  • Enter Email Address: Input the email address of the team member you want to add.

  • Assign a Role: Select the appropriate role for the new member from the dropdown menu. This automatically assigns the permissions associated with that role.