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This article will help you understand how to manage and customize the Homepage menu in Doxify, ensuring you can set up the perfect landing page for your documentation.

By default, the Homepage menu is disabled when you create a new project. When the Homepage menu is disabled, the first page of your documentation will automatically be the first enabled page of the first enabled menu (excluding link menus).

Enabling the Homepage menu gives you the flexibility to choose how the landing page of your documentation will appear. You have three options to customize your documentation's entry point: 

First Page of the Documentation:

The landing page will be the first enabled document of the first enabled menu

Ideal for straightforward navigation, this option ensures that users are directed to the main content immediately, allowing them to start reading your documentation without any additional steps.

Custom Link:

Set a specific page of your documentation as the landing page by entering its URL.

Use this option if you want to direct users to a particular section or guide that you consider crucial for their initial interaction. This is especially useful for highlighting important updates, a getting started guide, or any other significant content.

Custom HTML Code:

Create a completely custom landing page using HTML code.

Perfect for those who want full control over the landing page design. You can create a unique and branded entry point that includes custom layouts, multimedia content, and tailored messaging. This option is ideal for providing a rich, engaging user experience from the very first interaction.

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